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Mortgage automation is revolutionizing the way lenders process loans, with advanced technology solutions helping to streamline and speed up the process.

From application submission to underwriting and funding, mortgage automation can simplify the steps involved in getting a loan approved.

In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of mortgage automation, the role of OCR technology in the process, and how Nanonets can help streamline the workflow.

What is mortgage automation?

Mortgage automation is the use of technology to streamline the mortgage processing workflow, making it faster and more efficient. By using technology to automate manual processes, lenders can process more loans in less time, with fewer errors, and at a lower cost. Mortgage automation is gaining traction, with many lenders adopting new technology solutions to improve the process.

The mortgage automation process involves several steps, from application submission to funding. Here are some of the common steps involved:

  1. Document Collection and Verification: In this step, the borrower's documents are collected and verified for authenticity. These documents may include bank statements, W2s, pay stubs, and tax returns. Mortgage automation can help extract data from these documents and perform verification checks, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  2. Credit Checks: Credit checks are an essential part of the mortgage application process as they help to assess the borrower's creditworthiness. Automated systems can retrieve credit scores and credit reports, enabling lenders to make quick and accurate decisions.
  3. Underwriting: Underwriting is the process of assessing the borrower's creditworthiness, evaluating the risks and ensuring that the loan meets the lender's criteria. With automated underwriting, the system can evaluate the application, assess the risk, and make a decision quickly and accurately.
  4. Closing: The closing process involves signing the final documents and transferring funds. Automation can simplify this process by verifying the accuracy of the documents and streamlining the transfer of funds.
  5. Post-closing: This step involves verifying that all the conditions for closing the loan have been met, the loan has been funded, and the necessary documents have been recorded. Automation can help streamline the post-closing process by automatically tracking and verifying the documents and conditions, reducing errors and increasing efficiency.

Challenges of mortgage automation and how to address them

There are several challenges associated with mortgage automation, including legacy systems, lack of integration, and regulatory compliance.

In a study conducted by Moody’s Analytics, ​​56% of bankers surveyed found that manual collection of data and subsequent back and forth with the client was their biggest challenge in the mortgage origination process.

  • Legacy Systems: Mortgage lenders that still rely on manual processes or outdated legacy systems risk inefficiency, increased costs, and a higher likelihood of errors. According to a survey, 56% of systems using legacy processes found that data integrity and data quality issues held decision-makers back from gaining real-time insights critical for the business.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The mortgage industry is highly regulated, and compliance is a critical aspect of the loan origination process. Failure to comply with regulations can result in reputational damage and fines ranging from tens of thousands of dollars to millions. A major way to lower this risk is by not relying on manual processes for mortgage and loan origination.

To overcome these challenges, lenders must adopt modern technology solutions that are designed to integrate with legacy systems and comply with regulatory requirements.

Additionally, lenders must work with technology providers that have experience in the mortgage industry and understand the unique challenges associated with mortgage automation.

How Nanonets and OCR can help with mortgage automation

By leveraging advanced technology solutions like OCR and AI-based platforms such as Nanonets, lenders can automate manual processes, reduce errors, and streamline the mortgage origination process. This not only leads to faster loan processing times and improved data accuracy but also helps ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Nanonets is an AI-based OCR platform that uses advanced machine learning algorithms to automate data extraction from unstructured documents.

Nanonets can help automate mortgage origination and underwriting to improve efficiency via document processing and data extraction. It can read and extract relevant data from loan applications, pay stubs, tax returns, bank statements, credit reports and more; including unstructured data like handwriting and signatures.

Here are some benefits of using Nanonets for mortgage automation:

  1. Faster loan processing times: Mortgage lenders can process loan applications more quickly with Nanonets and OCR, as the technology can extract and analyze data from loan documents in a matter of seconds. This reduces the overall time taken to process each loan and helps lenders meet the growing demand for faster turnaround times.
  2. Improved data accuracy: Nanonets' advanced machine learning algorithms enable lenders to extract and analyze data from documents with a high degree of accuracy, reducing the risk of errors and improving the quality of data collected. This is particularly important in the mortgage industry, where even small errors or discrepancies can have significant consequences, such as costly fines, loss of reputation or reduced operations.
  3. Cost savings: Automating the mortgage processing workflow with Nanonets and OCR can significantly reduce the cost of manual labor, as it eliminates the need for multiple employees to perform repetitive manual tasks. This can help lenders improve their bottom line and invest in other areas of the business.
  4. Improved regulatory compliance: Mortgage processing is a highly regulated industry, with strict guidelines and regulations that lenders must follow. By using Nanonets' OCR technology, lenders can reduce the risk of non-compliance with regulatory requirements by accurately and consistently processing documents. This can help lenders avoid costly fines and penalties and maintain a positive reputation in the industry.


Mortgage automation is transforming the way lenders process loans, with technology solutions helping to streamline the process and reduce manual labor. OCR technology is a crucial component of mortgage automation, as it can help streamline document processing and data extraction.

With Nanonets’ AI-based OCR technology, lenders can improve the efficiency of the mortgage processing workflow, reducing costs, increasing accuracy, and complying with regulatory requirements.