Automate your workflow with Nanonets
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In trucking, speed isn't just about how fast your fleet goes—it's also about how quickly you can process a rate confirmation or 'rate con' to plan routes and allocate resources efficiently, getting your drivers on the road faster.

However, processing rate cons quickly and accurately is often challenging due to:

1️⃣ Manual data entry, which is slow, tedious, and prone to errors that can lead to costly mistakes, delayed shipments, and strained relationships.

2️⃣ Juggling multiple systems like transportation management systems (TMS), accounting software, and email, which hinders productivity.

That's why forward-thinking logistics businesses are turning to AI-powerd intelligent document processing (IDP) solutions to automate rate con handling.

These AI-based tools extract data accurately, validate the extracted information, flag discrepancies, route documents for approval based on custom rules, and finally export it downstream to TMS like SAP, Oracle, Descartes, or MyCarrier.

By speeding up processing and cutting errors, IDP solutions let you move faster. The result? More loads accepted and business growth.

In this article, we'll explore how automating rate confirmation data extraction can streamline your freight operations, boost efficiency, and give you a competitive edge.

Understanding the entire process around rate confirmations

Rate con documents serve as legally binding agreements between brokers and carriers. It outlines where the shipment is headed, the delivery schedule, the transport mode, the content of the shipment, and the agreed-upon rate for transportation services.

The process starts when a shipper needs to transport goods. They contact a broker, who in turn searches for suitable carriers, often posting load details on relevant boards. Interested carriers reach out, and negotiations begin.

Here's what a filled rate con may look like. The structure may vary depending on the broker or carrier | Source
Here's what a filled rate con may look like. The structure may vary depending on the broker or carrier | Source

Factors like distance, cargo type, urgency, and market conditions all play into determining the final rate.

Once a rate is agreed upon, the broker creates the rate con document.

This document outlines the pickup and delivery locations, schedule, transport mode, cargo details, and the agreed-upon price for services. The broker then sends this document to the carrier for review and signature.

Once signed, it sets the entire transportation process in motion.

What information do rate con documents contain?

Rate con essential data fields highlighted for extraction, including order ID, pickup address, delivery address, and carrier rate.
Rate con essential data fields highlighted for extraction, including order ID, pickup address, delivery address, and carrier rate.

A typical rate con document includes data points like:

  • Shipper and carrier details
  • Pickup and delivery addresses
  • Date and time of pickup and delivery
  • Mode of delivery
  • Cargo description and weight
  • Equipment type required
  • Rate and any additional fees
  • Special instructions or requirements

Why is rate con processing important?

  • For carriers like trucking companies, it serves as a crucial reference point for planning routes, allocating resources, and ensuring compliance with agreed-upon terms.
  • For brokers, it's a vital record of the transaction, helping manage finances and maintain client relationships.
  • For shippers, rate cons provide visibility into transportation costs, delivery timelines, and service agreements, enabling better supply chain planning and budget management.
  • All parties rely on rate cons to resolve any disputes that may arise during or after the shipment.

Challenges in processing rate cons manually

Typically, the document would be received as a PDF. In case it is not, they may need to be digitized using a scanner.

Then, the fields will have to be verified and entered into the company's systems. The details will also have to be communicated to the dispatchers and drivers.

And finally, the accounting systems will need to be updated for invoicing.

If your existing workflow is manual-actions heavy, then you're likely facing several of these challenges:

Challenge Description Setback
Missed opportunities Manual processing of rate confirmations causes delays in decision-making Loss of high-value loads to faster-responding competitors
Cash flow issues Delayed processing leads to slower invoicing Late payments, difficulty paying drivers, strained finances
Compliance risks Overlooking crucial details due to manual review Potential regulatory violations, especially for specialized freight
Inaccurate load tracking Manual data entry into TMS systems can lead to errors Difficulty providing real-time updates, damaging client relationships
Scalability limitations Manual processes don't scale well with business growth Inability to expand without significantly increasing staff strength
Route planning delays Slow extraction of pickup/delivery details hinders timely route planning Inefficient routes, increased fuel costs, potential late deliveries
Driver assignment errors Manual review of equipment requirements prone to oversights Mismatched driver-load assignments, delays, compliance issues
Resource misallocation Skilled staff spending time on data entry instead of strategic tasks Reduced focus on business development and customer relationships
Dispute resolution issues Difficulty in quickly accessing or searching through historical rate confirmation data Prolonged payment disputes, potentially damaging broker relationships

These challenges are not isolated. They are connected and can often compound each other's impact. For instance, imagine assigning a non-hazmat certified driver to transport hazardous materials due to a data entry error.

This could lead to severe safety risks, legal consequences, and damage to your reputation.

Moreover, these inefficiencies can create a domino effect, impacting your ability to meet customer expectations, maintain competitive pricing, and ultimately grow your business.

How to automate data extraction from rate confirmations?

There are several methods to automate rate con data extraction, ranging from basic OCR solutions to more advanced AI-powered systems. Let's explore them one by one.

Quick example of using an online OCR solution to extract data points from a rate con document
Quick example of using an online OCR solution to extract data points from a rate con document

Basic OCR tools can convert rate con PDFs to machine-readable text, but they lack the contextual understanding needed for complex logistics documents. While they might capture simple fields like dates or load numbers, they struggle with unstructured data such as special instructions or varied fee structures. The result? Inaccurate extractions that still require significant manual review and correction.

Python libraries offer more flexibility for rate con processing, allowing customization for specific broker formats. However, they demand technical expertise and constant maintenance. When a broker changes their rate con layout or you onboard a new partner, you'll need to manually adjust your code. This approach quickly becomes unsustainable as your carrier business grows and diversifies.

Here's an example of using ChatGPT for rate con data extraction.
Here's an example of using ChatGPT for rate con data extraction.

Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT show promise in understanding the context of rate cons. They can interpret various document structures and extract relevant information. However, their reliance on pattern recognition can lead to inconsistencies and gibberish output. Creating prompts that work universally across different brokers' rate cons is challenging, and LLMs may struggle with precisely extracting critical details like exact weights or specific fee breakdowns.

A more advanced solution is needed to truly automate the process effectively. This is where Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) comes into the picture. It combines advanced OCR, machine learning, and natural language processing to accurately extract and contextualize data from rate cons, regardless of format or complexity.

Unlike basic tools, IDP systems understand document context, adapt to changing layouts, and continuously improve accuracy. They extract data, validate information, flag discrepancies, and integrate seamlessly with existing systems like TMS. This integration is crucial, as it allows the extracted data to be automatically populated into your Oracle TMS or SAP TMS.

IDP solutions help you achieve end-to-end automation. From rate con import to processing to data export. This eliminates manual errors, accelerates decision-making, and frees up valuable resources, giving carriers a significant competitive edge in the fast-paced logistics industry.

Here’s how to implement an IDP solution like Nanonets for rate con automation:

Step 1: Create your Nanonets account and log in to your account

Once you verify your email and log in, navigate to the 'Workflows' section and select 'Zero Training Model'
Once you verify your email and log in, navigate to the 'Workflows' section and select 'Zero Training Model'

Step 2: For rate confirmations, you might start with a zero-shot model. So, from the ‘Workflow’ menu, select a ‘Zero Training Model’.

Go to 'Manage Labels' section to define fields and table headers for data extraction. For example, the Load ID description could be 'A unique alphanumeric identifier for the shipment, typically 8-10 characters long, often starting with 'LD' or 'LOAD'.

Step 3: Navigate to the AI Training section in the left-hand panel and click 'Manage Labels'. Use Fields for data points that have a single value per document, like Load ID or Total Rate. And Table Headers for data that may have multiple values per document, such as line items in a rate confirmation.

Step 4: Add detailed descriptions for each field and table header. These descriptions guide the AI in understanding what to look for.

Step 5: Set up date validation to ensure logical pickup/delivery dates or to verify the address completeness and format.

Create multi-stage rate con approval workflow on Nanonets. Set up conditional routing rules based on the extracted total rate.
Create multi-stage rate con approval workflow on Nanonets. Set up conditional routing rules based on the extracted total rate

Step 6: Configure multi-stage approval workflows based on extracted and validated data. You can set up conditional routing rules; for example, If the total rate > $1000, route to the senior manager for approval.

With Nanonets, you can import rate cons from anywhere. Connect to the tools you already use, such as email, cloud storage, or your existing business applications.

Step 7: Start uploading rate confirmations. You can either import files from your local storage or Cloud or use an automated import block from Gmail, Google Drive, Dropbox, or third-party tools.

Here's a peek at the automatic data extraction process for a rate con document on Nanonets. Key fields like load ID, pickup date, delivery address, and total rate are neatly extracted and displayed separately. Review the data, make any necessary corrections, and export it to your TMS or ERP system.
Here's a peek at the automatic data extraction process for a rate con document on Nanonets. Key fields like load ID, pickup date, delivery address, and total rate are neatly extracted and displayed separately. Review the data, make any necessary corrections, and export it to your TMS or ERP system

Step 8: Set up export blocks to auto-populate validated and approved data to your TMS, accounting software, or CRM. You can even download the data as CSV files or spreadsheets for further analysis.

Use Nanonets' export options to directly integrate and sync rate con data into your TMS or ERPs. It also offers APIs, Zapier, or Webhooks to seamlessly connect with your existing systems.
Use Nanonets' export options to directly integrate and sync rate con data into your TMS or ERPs. It also offers APIs, Zapier, or Webhooks to seamlessly connect with your existing systems.

Once the extracted data is in your TMS of choice—whether it's Oracle, MercuryGate, Mycarrier or another Oracle, MyCarrier, or another—use the extracted load details (pickup and delivery locations, dates, cargo info) to optimize your logistics operations.

Here's how the field mapping process works when exporting extracted rate confirmation data to Google Sheets

For example, you can use the extracted load details, such as pickup and delivery locations, dates, and cargo information, to plan and optimize routes, ensuring the best use of resources and minimizing transportation costs.

The extracted data also enables you to analyze your own performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance your service quality. Use the extracted rate con data to create your actual invoices. It ensures accuracy and avoids undercharging or overcharging your clients.

Additionally, the extracted data can be used to generate reports and gain insights into your operations. Identify trends. Make informed decisions to improve efficiency and profitability—optimize fleet utilization, reduce empty miles, monitor KPIs like on-time pickup and delivery percentages and average revenue per mile.

This automated workflow saves time, reduces errors, and frees up valuable resources to focus on strategic activities. This can lead to improved operational efficiency, better decision-making, and ultimately, a stronger competitive position in the fast-paced logistics industry.

Benefit Example Potential Impact
Automated Data Validation Flag a rate con with pickup date in the past Prevent scheduling errors and improve on-time performance
Elimination of Manual Entry Extract and populate 20 data points from a rate con in seconds Reduce processing time from 15 minutes to 30 seconds per document
Minimized Human Error Accurately capture 15000 lbs load weight, not 1500 lbs Avoid costly misallocation of equipment and resources
Super Fast Processing Process 100 rate cons in 30 minutes instead of 5 hours Respond to and secure high-value loads before competitors
Scalable Operations Handle 500 daily rate cons with the same staff as 50 Grow business 10x without proportional cost increase
Accelerated Invoicing Reduce invoicing time from 1 week to 1 day Improve cash flow by receiving payments 6 days earlier
Efficient PDF Handling Extract data from scanned, low-quality rate con PDFs Process all incoming rate cons regardless of format or quality
Enhanced Compliance Checks Automatically flag special handling instructions Reduce compliance-related issues by 90%
Improved Data Accuracy Catch a $500 typo in the rate before accepting the load Save thousands in potential revenue loss per month
Streamlined Workflow Automate rate con import from email to TMS Eliminate manual document handling and reduce processing delays