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Keeping your digital files organized is a chore, a very tedious chore, but a necessary one. Organized files make finding, documenting, and using information easier. How would you use a document if you can’t find it at the right time?

And therefore, file organization should be taken seriously. But how should you begin? And if it is tedious, can you automate it?

This blog will answer your file management questions and give you a sure-shot way to automate and organize digital files on autopilot! So, let’s start.

How to organize digital files?

This blog will discuss two ways to organize files:

  • Manually sorting files on a desktop
  • Automatically organizing files.

Let’s look at the steps involved.

How to organize files manually?

It’s as easy and tedious. You might already be doing it.

But here’s how to do it better.

  • Collate the files from emails or get the documents from the source manually.
  • As soon as a file comes to you, rename it. Rename it properly based on its content, date, or any nomenclature set by your office.
  • Check for viruses in the file.
  • Place it in the proper folder. Ensure that the folder name explains the files present inside the folder. Refrain from using generic names; be specific while naming folders and files.
  • Ensure you upload the file anywhere in the database as required. For example, a customer invoice must be uploaded on CRM and stored in the customer profile, and the details should be uploaded to the sales database.
  • Document and maintain a log of where you’re storing the files so that your colleagues can easily find them.
  • Now, repeat every time you get a new file.
While this process is simple to follow, it involves many steps. It is easy for one person to take the burden of managing all the files, but this makes collaboration difficult. If the number of documents increases, manual errors or forgetfulness might cause trouble finding some files.

How to organize files automatically?

The first question is, can you organize files automatically without any errors?

Well, yes. You can automate the entire process easily if you have a proper process for file naming, folder locations, and data processing requirements.

Many document management systems, like Nanonets, have all the required features that automate entire file organization seamlessly.

Here’s how the flow would look like with Nanonets:

  • The file is automatically uploaded to Nanonets with document upload options. You can upload documents automatically from emails, desktops, Google Drive, Sharepoint, and more.
File import options on Nanonets
File import options on Nanonets
  • Automatically sort all your incoming files easily with a document classifier, which will sort files based on their content, name, or type without your help.
  • Rename file based on content - Based on document type, your file will be sent to an OCR model where data will be extracted from the document. Based on this data, your file will be renamed. For example, invoices can be renamed as - “Date,”- “SupplierName”- “Invoice Number”
  • Save the document to the desired folder - Based on the information, workflows can automatically upload the documents to a desired location like Drive, CRM, or ERP and sync data easily in real time.
  • Create a Searchable Database - Next time you want to search a file, just type the name, and you’ll know its location.
This method is fast, reliable, secure, and error-free. This is best suited for enterprises of all sizes looking to organize their business documents efficiently and at a fraction of the cost. 

Which software to use to sort files automatically?

Document management systems can be used to sort your digital files on autopilot. Look for the following features in the software to organize files easily:

  • Integrations - This is a must as you need to seamlessly upload and export documents.
  • Workflow Automation - Rule-based workflows allow you to automate your document tasks without requiring any external intervention.
  • Document Classification - To organize files, you need to sort incoming documents into different categories. Document classifier helps you do just that.
  • OCR - In order to process documents, you need to understand what’s inside those documents. OCR extracts the data and helps the system comprehend what the type of document is.
  • Secure document storage - The software must provide storage in case you want to store the documents.

Now, there are many document management software out there in the market. We’ve covered the best document management systems in our blog here. Here are some of the top DMS software in the market:

#1. Nanonets

#2. Huddle

#3. Alfresco One

#4. OpenKM

#5. eFileCabinet

Here’s how they compare with each other:

Want to automate repetitive manual tasks?

Check out Nanonets workflow-based document processing software. Extract data, run workflows and store information on autopilot!

Using Nanonets to organize files

Nanonets is an AI-based workflow automation platform with in-built OCR software. Nanonets is a complete no-code workflow management platform that is extremely easy to use, set up in 1 day, and comes with 5000+ integrations.

You can automatically organize your files with Nanonets document classification and intelligent automation. Be it any document, Nanonets can sort, classify, process, and store the document for you.

Here is a short demo of how Nanonets can be used to automate invoice processing:

Introduction to Nanonets

Nanonets can do the following tasks and more:

Have a use case in mind? Reach out to our team or start a free trial. If you need assistance, our team will set up workflows for you.

Why choose Nanonets?

Nanonets has multiple templates to automate document processes, but you can also create your own templates in <15 minutes.

  • Easily capture documents from data sources such as Gmail, Google drive, outlook, and more.
  • Extract data from documents with >95% accuracy
  • Advanced OCR API
  • Easy-to-use Interface
  • No-code platform
  • Automate any process with workflows
  • Create complex logic functions to verify documents
  • Templates and easy customization options
  • Wide choice of integrations
  • Role-based access control
  • Audit Trail logs
  • Transparent pricing - check pricing plans
  • 24x7 support
Over 30,000 users use Nanonets to automate more than 30Mn document processes. Nanonets is the perfect choice for businesses looking to optimize their document processes with a robust, secure, and no-code platform.

Customer Reviews
Customer Reviews

Automate every file process like uploading, processing, archiving or verifying with Nanonets' no-code workflows.

Start a free trial or reach out to our team, in case you have a use case in mind!

What are the benefits of organizing digital files?

Why should you waste resources in organizing digital files? Here are some reasons why:

  • Increased productivity: When files are organized and easy to find, it saves time that would otherwise be spent searching for them. Employees spend a lot of time to find and retreive files which can be eleminated if you have a searchable database.
  • Better decision-making: With easy access to documents, you can access information anytime anywhere making it wasy to make better decisions.
  • Improved data security: Organized file structure allows users to back up, store and protect important business documents from accidental deletion or unauthorized access.
  • Cost savings: Automating the process of organizing files can save time, money, and resources.
  • Better compliance: Properly organizing files can help ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

What are some best practices for managing digital files?

Now comes important part. How to ensure you are following proper file management practices?

Here are some tips you should keep in mind while organizing your files:

  • Create a clear folder structure: Organize your files into logical folders with a clear hierarchy and naming conventions.
  • Implement a naming convention: Use a consistent naming convention for all your files, making them easily searchable and identifiable.Don't use acronyms or short forms that are not known to other people.
  • Use tags and keywords: Use proper tags and keywords to find your files easier.
  • Use cloud storage: Use cloud storage to ensure remote access from anywhere.
  • Synchronize your files: Ensure real-time sync for your files, so everyone sees up-to-date version of files everywhere. You can use tools like Nanonets to synchronize your files across multiple databases.
  • Backup your files: Always keep a copy of your files, in case, things go corrupt!
  • Use file compression: Compress large files to save space, and make them easier to share and upload.
  • Use document management software: Use a document management software to automate document processes, enahnce document accessibility and security.

Supercharge your file management today

Enhance file organization without a big burn on your pocket with Nanonets. See how Nanonets' can optimize your document management while saving 80% costs & 90% time.

Start a free trial or reach out to our automation experts to see how Nanonets can help you wth your use case.

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