customer stories

How this Medical equipment manufacturer integrated Nanonets with their SFTP server to process invoices quickly and securely


Reduction in Costs


Reduction in Manual Review Time

>25,000 annually

Volume of Invoices Automated

Medical equipment manufacturing
Document types
Delaware, USA
API integration to SFTP server

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Our Client is a biomedical/biotechnology engineering firm and multinational manufacturer of medical devices. With a legacy of more than 40 years, they are widely known for disruptive solutions that change the way patients across the world are treated. They are globalising their research and development with facilities in over 40 countries.

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The Challenge

Before Nanonets, our client used their internal financial system to process invoices manually. This led to inevitable downsides of human errors, low processing speed and high costs. With a presence in over 100 countries, our client faced a unique challenge—they had to process invoices in thousands of various formats and languages across different geographies. Thus, they began looking for a system that provided the following:

  1. A versatile, geography-agnostic solution (covering multiple languages, date and code formats)
  2. High accuracy in data capture from unstructured invoices
  3. Ease of use and automation to reduce manual reviewing time

The Solution

The client uploads their invoices to Nanonets. Our Invoice OCR model captures information from invoices, which the clients' team then verifies and approves. Once approved, the data is stored securely in client SFTP servers through API integration and processed further to payments.

The result

25 hours
Weekly Manual Review Time
3 hours
Weekly Manual Review Time

The Result

Choosing Nanonets was the start of an automation transformation for our client. Realising the true potential of Nanonets with about 80% reduction in costs, the client is now looking to work with us to enable further growth and scale. They currently have two primary plans for expansion:

  1. Expansion to other departments - The second batch will strive to automate processes within other departments, whereas the previous set concentrated on Accounts Payable.
  2. Expansion to other geographies - The goal is to emulate the results from the US implementation by expanding into the EU and other regions.