Automate your workflow with Nanonets
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Imagine building powerful apps without writing a single line of code. Sounds like a dream, right? No-code automation is making this a reality — transforming how businesses operate and innovate. These platforms allow companies to design and build sophisticated solutions that streamline workflows, boost productivity, and drive digital transformation.

Coding still happens behind the scenes, but no-code tools hide the complexity with point-and-click, drag-and-drop, process maps, etc. No-code tools allow you to focus on bringing your ideas to life without getting bogged down in technicalities. This approach democratizes application development, making it accessible to everyone, from business professionals and entrepreneurs to IT managers and beyond. A related approach called "low-code" involves minimal coding for customization, typically requiring the involvement of IT or developers.

In this article, we'll discuss no-code automation fundamentals, its benefits, the different types, and popular tools. We'll also share some no-code workflow ideas to help you get the ball rolling in your organization.

What is no-code automation?

No-code automation platforms can integrate data seamlessly with various business systems like ERPs and accounting software, enabling efficient data flow without requiring technical expertise.
No-code automation platforms can integrate data seamlessly with various business systems like ERPs and accounting software, enabling efficient data flow without requiring technical expertise.

No-code automation takes application development to the next level by providing a visual environment where users can create complex workflows and applications without writing any code. It is changing how organizations approach process improvement and digital transformation.

These platforms offer extensive features, enabling users to build complex applications using drag—and—drop interfaces, from web forms to mobile apps and CRM systems. The critical advantage is accelerated development, significantly shortening the cycle from months to days.

No-code tools enhance business process management, streamline workflows, and improve transactional systems. For example, Captive Resources and Commerce Casino automated HR operations using Pulpstream's solution, saving time and focusing on critical tasks. These platforms excel in API generation, platform integration, legacy system modernization, and empowering citizen developers.

How is no-code different from low-code?

Low-code platforms target developers with technical knowledge, enabling faster and more efficient coding. However, they still require some coding. In contrast, no-code software requires zero coding knowledge, empowering "citizen developers" to create tailored applications.

No-code platforms offer pre-configured technology, regular and easy updates, and intuitive workflow optimization, allowing business users to build and maintain applications without technical expertise.

What are the benefits of no-code automation?

The growth of no-code tools has been substantial, driven by digital transformationGartner reports that nearly 60% of custom apps are now built outside IT departments. By 2025, 70% of new applications will use no-code or low-code tools, up from less than 25% in 2020.

No-code automation platforms with advanced AI capabilities, like Nanonets, can accurately extract financial and accounting data from diverse sources without predefined templates, streamlining document processing end-to-end.
No-code automation platforms with advanced AI capabilities, like Nanonets, can accurately extract financial and accounting data from diverse sources without predefined templates, streamlining document processing end-to-end.

The global market for low-code platforms, including no-code, is expected to reach $65 billion by 2027, highlighting their efficiency and widespread adoption. This underscores the effectiveness of no-code platforms in enabling both professional and citizen developers to create applications quickly in a visual environment without extensive coding.

Some advantages that make no-code platforms a game-changer in the world of software development are:

  1. Accelerated development: Create applications up to 10 times faster than traditional coding methods. This means you can quickly prototype, test, and deploy solutions, reducing time-to-market and staying ahead of the competition.
  2. Empowered citizen developers: Enable business users and subject matter experts to create custom solutions without relying on IT departments. This collaboration between business and IT leads to faster innovation and more efficient problem-solving.
  3. Reduced costs: Eliminate the need for extensive coding and specialized developers. Additionally, the ability to create custom solutions in-house reduces the need for multiple software subscriptions, resulting in further cost savings.
  4. Business agility: Easily modify and update applications to adapt to changing market conditions. Pivot strategies and offerings without lengthy development cycles.
  5. Streamlined operations: Automate repetitive tasks and integrate disparate systems. Free up your team to focus on high-value activities that drive business growth.

These benefits paint a clear picture of how no-code automation can empower your business to achieve more with less. Next, let's understand the different types of no-code solutions. This is key to building the perfect no-code stack for your business.

The different types of no-code automation platforms

No-code automation tools often offer seamless integration capabilities, allowing users to easily connect their existing systems and apps for a smooth transition.

Not all no-code automation solutions are created equal. Each comes in various forms, each designed to address specific business needs. But broadly, no-code tools can be categorized into:

  1. Workflow automation: These tools connect different apps and streamline processes across your organization.
  2. Visual app developers: Build web and mobile applications using intuitive interfaces, no coding required.
  3. Website crafting platforms: Create professional websites and landing pages with drag-and-drop simplicity.
  4. Conversational AI builders: Develop chatbots and virtual assistants to enhance customer interactions.
  5. No-code databases: Manage and organize data without SQL knowledge.
  6. Smart form creators: Design complex forms and surveys with advanced logic and integrations.
  7. Data visualization tools: Transform raw data into compelling visual stories without coding expertise.
  8. Robotic process automation (RPA) builders: Create "software robots" to manipulate data, trigger responses, and communicate with other systems.

These solutions empower team members, regardless of their technical background, to handle projects and build products efficiently. Many integrate seamlessly with popular collaboration tools like Slack, further enhancing productivity. 

Top no-code automation tools

The expanding landscape of no-code app development offers enterprises a powerful solution that eliminates lengthy app development cycles. With its potential benefits, enterprises must now navigate through the growing range of options available in the no-code landscape.

Some popular no-code platforms include:

1. Airtable

Airtable is a visual low-code platform that enables you to connect data, workflows, and teams in one centralized location. It offers a user-friendly interface for creating interfaces and does not require coding skills. Airtable provides built-in support for popular apps and a robust API and adheres to various security certifications. It offers different pricing plans, including a free account, Plus, Pro, and Enterprise options.

Airtable excels in creating customizable databases for various needs, such as inventory management systems or content calendars for marketing teams.


n8n is a versatile workflow automation tool that allows you to connect various systems without the need for code. It offers a free, self-hostable solution with customizable core nodes and the ability to represent complex logic in workflows. n8n provides built-in user management for self-hosted instances and offers cloud packages with different pricing tiers starting at €20 per month. is particularly useful for creating custom API integrations, enabling businesses to automate data flows between different software systems.

3. Actiondesk

Actiondesk is a no-code solution designed for flexible data exploration in a spreadsheet format. It allows you to combine live data from different sources effortlessly and create custom dashboards. Actiondesk offers subscription plans with 7-day free trials, enabling you to import data from multiple sources into cloud-based spreadsheets. The pricing options include Startup, Team, and Business plans.

Actiondesk empowers teams to manipulate and analyze company data using familiar spreadsheet-like interfaces, enhancing data-driven decision-making.

4. Kissflow

Kissflow is a cloud-based forms workflow automation solution that simplifies business process automation and performance tracking. It offers a drag-and-drop, no-code visual studio for creating apps, processes, and forms. Kissflow provides different pricing options, including Small Business, Corporate, and Enterprise plans, offering cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and enterprise-grade security features.

Kissflow streamlines HR processes, such as automating the entire employee onboarding workflow from offer letter generation to equipment requests and training schedules.

5. is a no-code RPA (robotic process automation) chrome extension that allows you to build custom bots without coding. It provides a template library for common integrations and offers both desktop and cloud versions for processing data. ensures data privacy and offers a free two-hour bot run time. Additional bot run time is available through their Starter, Pro, Business, and Platinum plans. can automate web-based tasks like scraping product information from e-commerce sites or filling out online forms for lead generation.

6. Zendesk

Zendesk is a software platform that helps improve customer relationships and can be configured to meet specific business needs. It offers a variety of apps, tools, and pre-built capabilities to customize the platform, along with enterprise-class security features. Zendesk provides different subscription plans, including Suite Team, Suite Growth, Suite Professional, Suite Enterprise, and custom plans to suit different requirements.

Zendesk's automation capabilities are particularly valuable in customer service, helping teams manage tickets, route inquiries, and provide faster responses.

7. Zapier

Zapier allows you to integrate and automate data flow between multiple applications with its no-code workflows. It offers ready-to-go workflows for popular apps, and you can also customize your automated processes using the Zap editor. Zapier provides different subscription plans based on the number of tasks required, including a free plan, Starter, Professional, Team, and Company options.

 Zapier is great for connecting and automating workflows across thousands of applications, making it useful for various business processes.

8. Outfunnel

Outfunnel is a no-code platform that enables easy integration of sales and marketing tools and keeps customer data synchronized across various systems. It offers quick setup without the need for coding or IT assistance. Outfunnel provides a 14-day free trial, along with different pricing plans such as Lite, Starter, Growth, and Enterprise, ensuring cost-effectiveness and high data security standards.

Outfunnel is particularly effective for aligning sales and marketing efforts, automating lead nurturing processes to drive revenue growth.

9. Make

Make (formerly Integromat) is a visual platform that empowers users to design, build, and automate various solutions without coding expertise. It offers a playful drag-and-drop builder for easy creation of processes, systems, and applications. Make provides thousands of ready-to-use templates, and its pricing depends on the number of operations required. It offers a free plan, along with Core, Pro, Teams, and Enterprise options.

Make excels in creating complex, multi-step automation, making it ideal for businesses with intricate workflows across multiple platforms.

10. Nanonets

Nanonets is an AI-powered no-code platform that automates document processing and data extraction. It offers pre-trained models for common document types and allows users to train custom models for specific use cases. With a user-friendly interface, Nanonets enables setting up document workflows, data validation rules, and approval processes without coding skills.

Key features include automated data extraction using OCR and deep learning, customizable validation and approval workflows, seamless integration with popular platforms and applications, and secure, scalable infrastructure.

No-code systems such as Webflow can be used to create visually appealing websites and landing pages. Web or mobile applications can be built using Bubble, Adalo, Mendix, or Thunkable. Chatbots or virtual assistants can be built code-free using Octane AI,, or Landbot. Databases can be managed using Airtable. E-commerce stores may be set up sans coding with Shopify or Weebly, and memberships can be managed using Memberstack.

No-code workflow ideas for your business

Begin with tasks that are performed frequently and can be standardized. Let's take customer onboarding as an example.

Start with a trigger, like a new customer sign-up, then add actions such as updating your CRM, sending a welcome email, and assigning a follow-up task to a sales representative. This workflow can be easily set up by connecting your email marketing platform, CRM, and task management tool using a platform like Zapier or Make.

Let's explore some practical workflow ideas that can streamline your business today.

1. Invoice processing

Automate invoice processing with no-code workflows
Automate invoice processing with no-code workflows
  • Set up an automated workflow on Nanonets to automatically import invoices from email, Dropbox, or Google Drive.
  • Use Nanonets' pre-trained invoice model to extract critical information such as the invoice number, date, total amount, and line items.
  • Implement approval rules to route invoices based on criteria like invoice amount or vendor name.
  • Use Nanonets' automated 3-way matching process to reconcile data across related invoices, POs, and receipts.
  • Automatically export approved invoices to your accounting software like QuickBooks or Xero for payment processing.

This streamlined process eliminates manual data entry, reduces errors, and accelerates payment cycles.

2. Contract management

Accurately extract unstructured contract data from any source and export it as structured to your business systems.
Accurately extract unstructured contract data from any source and export it as structured to your business systems.
  • Create a custom OCR model in Nanonets to extract key clauses, dates, parties, and other relevant contract information.
  • Set up automated contract classification based on types, such as NDAs, MSAs, or SOWs.
  • Validate extracted data against your contract management system or CRM using Nanonets' integrations.
  • Configure Nanonets approval workflows for contract review and execution based on predefined rules.
  • Automatically archive executed contracts in your preferred document management system or cloud storage.

This streamlined contract management process reduces manual handling, improves accuracy, and accelerates contract turnaround times.

3. Customer support ticket routing

  • Set up a customer inquiry form using Typeform or Google Forms.
  • Create a Zapier workflow that triggers when a new form submission is received.
  • Automatically create a new ticket in Zendesk with details from the form submission.
  • Route tickets to appropriate teams or individuals based on the categorization:
    • Technical issues to the IT support team
    • Billing queries to the finance department
    • Product questions to the sales team
  • Send an automated acknowledgment email to the customer with their ticket number and estimated response time.
  • Create a task in Trello or Asana for high-priority tickets.

This workflow streamlines customer support, ensuring timely responses and proper ticket assignment. It also provides transparency to customers and helps manage team workload effectively.

4. Lead nurturing

  • Trigger the Zapier workflow when a new lead signs up through your website or landing page.
  • Automatically add the lead's information to Salesforce or HubSpot.
  • Set up Mailchimp to send personalized welcome emails over the next few days.
  • Track engagement (opens, clicks) and adjust the nurturing path accordingly.
  • Set up Zapier-Slack integration to notify sales reps of high-value leads — prompting personal outreach.

This workflow automates lead nurturing, ensuring consistent follow-up and personalized communication.

5. Document classification

  • Train a document classification model in Nanonets to automatically categorize incoming documents based on their content, such as invoices, contracts, purchase orders, or expense reports.
  • Set up rules to route each classified document type to the appropriate department or team for processing using Nanonets' integration with your document management system or workflow automation tool.
  • Configure data extraction models for each document type to automatically capture relevant information and feed it into your business systems, such as your ERP, CRM, or expense management software.

This streamlined document classification process reduces manual sorting, improves accuracy, and accelerates document processing times.

These are just some examples of how no-code workflows can streamline business processes. Other potential workflows include employee onboarding, social media management, claim processing, patient onboarding, and inventory tracking.

Identify areas where manual processes slow down operations and implement no-code solutions to address these pain points. As businesses adopt these technologies, they'll find new and innovative ways to optimize their operations and drive growth.

No-code automation with Nanonets

Nanonets is a valuable tool for no-code automation, particularly in the realm of document automation. As a no-code platform, Nanonets streamlines manual processes through automated workflows, making it easy for users to automate tasks without requiring coding expertise. With its specialization in Computer Vision, Nanonets offers pre-built solutions for common document types while also providing the flexibility to set up custom models.

Nanonets operate in a no-code environment, eliminating the need to write code for automation. Users can set role-based restrictions, ensuring controlled access to workflows. Some specific features that set Nanonets apart as an automation tool are:

  • Nanonets allow users to extract text from any document format, such as invoices, bills, or receipts, and provide the ability to enhance the extracted data before sending it to other applications.
  • The platform supports documents in multiple formats, including PDF, PNG, and JPEG.
  • By leveraging intelligent AI-enhanced OCR API, Nanonets automatically extracts data, labels entries, detects logos and performs document classification.
  • What sets Nanonets apart is its focus on enabling self-service artificial intelligence, simplifying the adoption of machine learning models with minimal training data or prior machine learning knowledge.
  • The platform offers a user-friendly modern UI, a drag-and-drop interface for creating document workflows, and the option to choose from templates or design custom workflows.
  • Transparent pricing plans and a range of hosting options, including on-premise and cloud, add to its appeal.
  • Nanonets boasts an extensive integration library, with over 5000 integrations available to connect with other tools and systems seamlessly.
  • The platform also prioritizes data security and compliance, complying with GDPR and SOC2 standards.
  • Users benefit from 24x7 online chat support and personal client managers, providing assistance whenever needed.

With its robust features and customer satisfaction, Nanonets is one of the top tools for document automation in the no-code landscape.


What does "no-code automation" mean?

No-code automation tools are software platforms that enable users to automate tasks and processes without the need for traditional programming or coding knowledge. These tools provide visual interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-built components that allow users to create automated workflows, integrate different systems and applications, and streamline various business processes. No-code automation tools empower non-technical users, often referred to as citizen developers, to automate repetitive tasks, reduce manual effort, and increase operational efficiency. These tools typically offer a range of features, such as workflow builders, data connectors, form builders, and rules engines, that enable users to design and implement automated solutions tailored to their specific needs. No-code automation tools have gained popularity for their user-friendly approach, as they enable individuals and teams to automate tasks without relying on dedicated IT resources or extensive coding expertise.

What is a no-code workflow?

A no-code workflow refers to a series of automated steps or tasks created using a no-code platform, eliminating the need for coding or programming. These workflows are built using visual interfaces, drag-and-drop builders, and pre-built components provided by the platform. Non-technical users, known as citizen developers, can design and configure these workflows to automate various business processes such as data entry, manipulation, integration, decision-making, and notifications. No-code workflows offer simplicity and ease of use, enabling users to automate tasks, enhance efficiency, and minimize errors. They provide a visual representation of the automated process, making it accessible for users without extensive coding knowledge to quickly create, deploy, and manage automated processes.

Which tool is best without coding?

Airtable,, Actiondesk, Kissflow,, Zendesk, Zapier, Outfunnel, Make, and Airslate are some of the popular no-code tools. There are many other no-code platforms available for specific purposes, such as Webflow, Bubble, Adalo, Mendix, Thunkable, Octane AI,, Landbot, Mindsay, Airtable, Shopify, Weebly, Memberstack, Wix, Squarespace, Appgyver, Glide, Chatfuel, Botpress, Botsociety, Knack, Caspio, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Wild Apricot, Zenbership. Nanonets, an AI-enhanced OCR platform, is a valuable tool for no-code automation, particularly in the realm of document automation.

How to automate without coding?

To automate without coding, use no-code platforms with visual interfaces. Choose a tool, define your process, and use drag-and-drop features to create workflows. Set up triggers and actions, add conditional logic if needed, test thoroughly, and deploy. These platforms allow you to build complex automations without writing code.

What is zero code automation?

Zero-code automation is essentially synonymous with no-code automation. It refers to the ability to create automated processes without any programming knowledge. Zero-code platforms typically offer visual development environments where users can design workflows, connect applications, and automate tasks using pre-built components and intuitive interfaces. This approach allows business users to quickly implement automation solutions without relying on IT departments or professional developers.